Pavlína Kvapilová
Moderator/ Czech Republic
Pavlína Kvapilová has 20 years of experience in large media houses (Czech Radio, Czech Television) as she was working on various positions – from editorial to hosting and managerial work. For instance, she was the correspondent of Radiožurnál for the EU in Brussels, the head of ČT24 special programs, the deputy editor-in-chief of ČT24 (channel operated by Czech Television) or the director of the division ČT New Media where she focused intensively on technological development. She has been active on the international scene, too, especially within the European Broadcasting Union and the global News Xchange. She also lectured at Charles University and the Anglo-American University in Prague. In the last 5 years, she also initiated several personal projects. She has started moderating, providing consultations, being in charge for the video creation and other performances within content projects as a producer, working on strategies for social media or lecturing – among her clients, there are state authorities, institutions, large corporations, and medium to small companies. She is currently devoting a large part of her time to her social project Elegant Czechia.